
Pranayama, Meditation, Asanas, Relaxation

Practicing yoga in early morning daily can be a powerful way to cultivate greater health, wellbeing and inner peace, setting the stage for a positive and fulfilling day ahead.

It can be a wonderful way to wind down a busy day, helping to release tension, calm the mind, and promote a sense of relaxation and wellbeing. It may include a combination of gentle stretching, restorative poses and breathing techniques


It is the technique of using various breathing techniques to control the flow of Prana (life force energy) in the body.
Doing pranayama daily improves the capacity of respiratory system immensely and positively affects autonomic nervous system which controls the heart rate, respiration and blood pressure etc.


It is a continuous process of training the mind to maintain a state of calm awareness.

Meditation helps us to deal with the 5 sensory organs and make our mind calm. Having a clam mind will save more energy in our body.


Physical postures that are designed to promote strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation in the body, while also promoting mental focus and concentration.

Asanas regulates the circulations of air, heat & blood in our body by different postures in starting, sitting & lying


It is a state of attening physical and mental calmness through various techniques like deep breathing and specific asanas.

Relaxation helps us to experience deep sleep state. At this state, blocks in all organs will be rectified & energy flow will be regulated highly.